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venerdì 23 febbraio 2018

I tioli

legame RS-H
polarità tioli e acidità tioli in confronto agli alcol
Tioli aromatici

ATTENZIONE!! Non è esatto dire che libera S2-
Tioli alifatici
 sintesi con la tiourea
Differenza legame S-S e O-O
Acido solfonico

Chimica dello Zolfo

Differenze tra zolfo (S) e ossigeno (O)
Nomenclatura zolfo
Nomenclatura composti dello zolfo

Legame C=S debole, confronto legame C=S con legame C=O

 Legami nei composti solforati
Sovrapposizione di orbitali

lunedì 19 febbraio 2018

Reazioni di cicloaddizione

Ecco alcuni appunti sulle reazioni di cicloaddizione. Spero possano esservi utili. Il link porta a un file pdf caricato su dropbox.

All'interno del file:
  • Reazione di Diels-Alder
  • Regole di Woodward - Hoffman
  • Dienofili e configurazione
  • Regioselettività
  • Reazioni 1-3 dipolari

sabato 17 febbraio 2018

Degradazione di Ruff

La degradazione di Ruff consenti di preparare un aldoso con un atomo di carbonio in meno rispetto al composto di partenza.

  1. Ossidazione dell'aldeide ad acido carbossilico
  2. Salificazione con carbonato di Calcio o Idrossido di calcio per formare un aldonato di calcio
  3. Scissione ossidativa con Perossido di Idrogeno e Fe3+, H2O2 30% e FeCl3 (opp Fe(OAc)3)

domenica 11 febbraio 2018

Come ridurre un triplo legame

In questo post confrontiamo i risultati della riduzione di un alchino con tre metodologie differenti:

  1. H2/Pd 
  2. H2 Lindlar 
  3. Li/NH3
Il meccanismo di riduzione e quindi il perchè si ottengano prodotti differenti sono stati trattati in altri post, qui ci limiteremo a confrontare i risultati di queste tre reazioni su un alchino asimetrico, un alchino terminale e un alchino simmetrico. 

Una normale idrogenazione con Palladio porta alla totale riduzione dell'alchino mentre le altre due tecniche no, inoltre Lindlar porta ad un alchene con configurazione cis (addizione sin di H2) mentre Li/NH3 porta ad un alchene trans a causa del meccanismo radicalico, che troverete descritto qui.

Reductions with metals

As you probably know a good way to reduce some functional group is to dissolve a metal into a solution of HCl, NH3, and so on. This class of reduction is known as dissolving metal reduction. Infact there are different metals which at a low oxidating state (ex Zn(0), Li(0)) readily give their electrons. 
  1. The initial process is an electron transfer which results into the formation of a radical anion
  2. The radical anion may protonate if a proton source is avaiable (ex HCl, NH3 and so on) or the molecule can fragment if there is any suitable leaving group. 
  3. The radical can be reduced and protonate

Oxidation of primary alcohols and aldehydes to carboxylic acids

Hey! how to oxidise primary alcohol to carboxylic acid? easy task ;) you need just to use Potassium permanganate. KMnO4. 
Come ossidare un alcol primario a acido carbossilico?
Come ossidare un aldeide a acido carbossilico?

Potassium Permanganate is a strong reagent, it is possible also to use dichromate, infact using an excess of the oxidising agent and heating under reflux we can obtain the carboxilic acid. 

Oxidation of primary alcohol to aldehyde

Hello fellows! 
Here you are some notes about oxidation of primary alcohols, specifically how to block the oxidation to the aldehyde stage without complete the oxidation to carboxilic acid. 

Oxidation with Cr(VI)

Hello fellows, here you are the oxidation of secondary alcohols with Cr(VI), why secondary and not primary? With primary alcohols we need to  consider more carefully the reaction environment as  the reaction may lead to the  carboxylic acid. However we will post it later. 
You may ask why we post picture and we don't write the mechanism with a chemical program, the answer is simple: our computer is a shit. We are waiting the good computer to be fixed. LOL.

Chemoselective oxidizing agents

Oxidizing agents chemoselective for double bonds C=C

  • Peracids R-(C=O)OOH 
  • OsO4
  • O3 
Oxidizing agents chemoselective for R-OH or C=O
  • Cr(VI) 
  • Mn(VII)
  • compounds containing Halogens, N or S at a high oxidizing state

Hope this scheme can be useful :)

Oxidation of secondary alcohol to aldehydes 

Agenti ossidanti chemoselettivi

agenti ossidanti chemoselettivi per doppi legami C=C

  • peracidi RCOOOH
  • Tetraossido di Osmio
  • Ozono
agenti ossidanti chemoselettivi per alcol o gruppi carbonilici

  • composti del cromo esavalente Cr(VI)
  • Mn(VII) molto forte
  • composti che contengano alogeni, N o S con alto numero di ossidazione 

venerdì 9 febbraio 2018

The benzyne mechanism

Hey there!!

Here you are some notes about the benzyne mechanism in aromatic nucleophilic substitutions, this mechanism is also known as elimination-addition mechanism for nucleophilic substitution but we prefer our sweet benzyne ;) so here you aare the notes and as they were less then two pages we uploaded them directly in this post as pictures. 

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Diazonium Salts

Hello fellows!!

Here you are some notes about a really useful class of compounds: the diazonium salts. Why are they so useful? Because they give acces to an incredibly various series of products .. You can find the sponsored link and the direct link below, they will open a dropbox file with the notes. 

How to insert an OH on an aromatic ring

Here you are a typical synthetic route asked in the Organic Chemistry test, from an aromatic substrate to insert an -OH group onto the structure. 

The steps are:

  1. Nitration
  2. Reduction of the nitro grooup
  3. formation of the Diazonium Salt (never forget the anion!!!!!)
  4. finally decomposition of the diazonium salt and insertion of a molecule of water which loses the extra proton. This step free N2 Nitrogen

Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution - SnAr

Hello fellows, here you are some notes about nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Specifically we focused on the addition-elimination mechanism. As always to access the files you need to press on the link which are in order a sponsored link and the direct link to dropbox. 

If you find our posts useful don't be shy and subscribe our free newsletter. you can find the application form on the top of the page on the right. If you are looking for some more specific informations don't be afraid and contact us with the contact form of our blog or directly to cupratodilitio@gmail.com

Here you are a preview of the file

mercoledì 7 febbraio 2018

Nucleophilic epoxidation

In our previous posts we spoke about epoxidation with m-CPBA and its stereospecificity, now we are uploading some notes about Nucleophilic epoxidation.

To review the previous notes here you are the SPONSORED LINK and the DIRECT LINK
And por the new topic, Nucleophilic epoxidation as always here you are the SPONSORED LINK and the DIRECT LINK. 

Electrophilic alkenes

Alkenes are known nucleophiles but if we functionalise them properly they can be electrophiles. 

Here you are some notes about Nucleophilic addition to alkenes, as always the notes are uploaded on dropbox, you can read them through our sponsored link or through our DIRECT LINK. Enjoy :)

martedì 6 febbraio 2018

All you need to know about aromatic electrophilic substitution

Hello Chemistry fellows,  as always here you are some organic chemistry notes, this time they are about Electrophilic Aromactic Substitution. I will attach the link for the dropbox file and the sponsored link which connects to the same file. 
Inside the file you can find: 
  • Bromination of benzene
  • Nitration of benzene
  • Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation and why acylation is better than alkylation
  • sulfonation of benzene
  • electrophilic substitution on phenols and anilines 
  • reactions on toluenes
  • activating and deactivating effect
  • orientation towards meta-ortho-para substitution products
  • halogens on benzene and their peculiarities towards this kind of reaction
  • summary of directing and activating effects which you can find also in a previous post
  • Why do some reactions stop at the first substitution product?
  • Effect of substituents on electrophilic aromatic substitution
  • One carbon electrophiles 
and now here you are the SPONSORED LINK and the DIRECT LINK

Substituents directing effect on Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution

Here you are a summary of the effects substituents have on aromatic electrophilic substitution in a benzene ring. 

Today we will upload the contents of the post electrophilic aromatic substitution all you need to know. Sooo keep following us :)


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